
Project Overview

We designed a platform for Admissions which is an admission campaign tool that is designed to help educational institutions attract and enroll prospective students and this improved productivity by 50%. We achieved this by making the process of reaching out to prospective students easier,

Project Overview

We designed a platform for Admissions which is an admission campaign tool that is designed to help educational institutions attract and enroll prospective students and this improved productivity by 50%. We achieved this by making the process of reaching out to prospective students easier,

Project Overview

We designed a platform for Admissions which is an admission campaign tool that is designed to help educational institutions attract and enroll prospective students and this improved productivity by 50%. We achieved this by making the process of reaching out to prospective students easier,

The Challenge

  • As the Admissions platform is a comprehensive tool, users sometimes find it challenging to navigate and use all of its features.

  • ​​The user interface of admission campaign platforms may become cluttered with too much information or too many features, making it difficult for users to find what they need.

  • Admission campaign platforms sometimes have performance issues, such as slow load times or crashes, users become frustrated when using the platform.

  • Limited Accessibility


  • Improving navigation: improve the navigation by organizing the tool into logical sections, providing clear labels and headings, and using a consistent layout.

  • Implementing quality assurance measures: Establishing quality control processes to ensure that customers receive high-quality design services.

  • Simplify the User Interface: simplified the interface by reducing the number of options and features, using clear and concise language, and using visual cues such as icons and colors to guide users through the tool.

Our Approach


I designed a dashboard for the marketing section because during user research, I discovered that the marketing team was struggling to keep track of the performance of their campaigns. They were using spreadsheets and manually calculating metrics, which was time-consuming and prone to errors. To solve this problem, I proposed a dashboard that would display real-time data and key performance indicators (KPIs) that were most relevant to the marketing team's objectives. The dashboard would also allow them to track their progress towards their goals and identify areas that needed improvement.

People in the office
People in the office

The final Product

Streamlining the Admissions Process

Efficiently manage the admissions process

The final Product

Streamlining the Admissions Process

Efficiently manage the admissions process

The final Product

Streamlining the Admissions Process

Efficiently manage the admissions process


Contacts Page

A contacts page that is user-friendly.

People in the office
People in the office

Add contact

Add contact

Effortlessly expand your network with the 'Add Contacts' feature.

Effortlessly expand your network with the 'Add Contacts' feature.

Import Contact

Import Contact

Streamline your contact management by importing contacts in a snap with the easy-to-use 'Import Contacts' page.

Streamline your contact management by importing contacts in a snap with the easy-to-use 'Import Contacts' page.

Email Campaigns

A contacts page that is user-friendly.

People in the office
People in the office
People in the office